Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Flight forced to return because a customer was served nuts incorrectly

Oyibo na wa!

A flight was forced to return to the gate after a customer was served nuts incorrectly.

The incident occurs at New York's JFK Airport when 40 years old Who Hyun-ah who is a daughter of air chairman Cho yang ho was seated in the first class cabin and became enraged when the chief flight attendant on duty served her macadamia nuts in a large bag rather than partitioning them to her on a plate.

Ms Cho demanded the flight attendant bring her the in-flight manual containing directions about proper but serving protocols.

However, she he couldn't find it Cho demanded that the pilot turn the plane around to the gate so that the offending crew member could be removed from the plane, delaying scheduled take of time by 20 minutes.

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